Mrs.Vinny Adams

Mrs.Vinny AdamsToutes les pistes sont bonnes à explorer quand vient le temps de frauder les pauvres personnes remplis de bonne volonté…. quand ce n’est pas pour des œuvres de charité c’est l’utilisation de la religion qui s’en mêle…. en voici un exemple que j’ai reçu trois fois juste hier de la madame « Mrs.Vinny Adams »…

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—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: A Cry Out To My Dear Beloved In Christ.
From:    « Mrs.Vinny Adams » <>
Date:    Thu, October 22, 2009 12:01 am
To:      undisclosed-recipients:;

26,Hawthorne Road
Middlesex Uk,

Beloveth in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, I am formerly Mrs Rabiat Adams,Now
Mrs Vinny Adams , A widow of late Sheriff Adams  ,I am 74 years old  now in new
Christian convert , Suffering from a long term time cancer of the breast.

From all indications my condition is really deteriorating and it’squite obvious that
I  wont live more than two  months according to my doctors.

This is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage.

My late husband was killed  during the US raid against terrorism in Russia, And
during the period of our marriage, we couldn’t produce any child .

After my husband’s death, I inherited all his business and wealth.

The doctor has advised me that I may not live for more than two months ,I now
decided to divide part of this wealth  , to contribute to the development of the
church in Africa,America,Asia and Europe.

I selected you and I prayed over it , I am willing to donate the sum of $4.5million
US Dollars to you  for the less privileged.

Please I want you to note that, These funds is lying in a bank and upon my
instruction , you will file in an application for the transfer of the money in your
name through the assistance of my lawyer.

I have found out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity upon vanity.

May the Grace of our lord Jesus Christ, The love of God, and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you and your family.

I await your urgent reply.

Yours in Christ.
Mrs.Vinny Adams
Email :

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1 Commentaire

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    Bouquins usagés

    C’est en effet désolant de voir que de telles gamicks soient tentées dans le but (il me désespéré) de fourrer des gens naifs. Certains perdent même toute leur créativité à faire du négatif au lieu d’aider les autres. Dommage pour ceux qui ont de bonnes intentions et subissent les conséquences négatives des crosseurs…

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